C sharp major sharp eleventh (lydian) piano chord - C#maj9#11
The C sharp major sharp eleventh (lydian) chord is a 6-note chord consisting of the notes C#, E#, G#, B#, D# and F##.
You can see these notes highlighted in the interactive piano chart below.
The chord itself is often abbreviated as C#maj9#11.
Interactive piano diagram for the C sharp major sharp eleventh (lydian) chord
Reduced chords
Chords that are a subset of C#maj9#11. These contain less notes but all of them are included in C#maj9#11.
Scales with C#maj9#11
Below you find all scales that include C#maj9#11:
- lydian
- ichikosucho
- messiaen's mode #3
- chromatic
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C sharp major sharp eleventh (lydian) piano chord chart image
In case you prefer a non-interactive variant of the chord chart, we've embedded a PNG image below that shows the notes for the the C#maj9#11 chord. Feel free to save or share the image as needed.